Monday, May 25, 2015

Unit 9: Space & Art

Neil Armstrong on the lunar surface.

First, it is important to note how influential space has been in our everyday lives. Post WW2,  people all over the world have been fascinated by space. It is not an art or science that is solely enjoyed by scientists and engineers; space sparks innovation and excitement in everyday people. Several popular culture outlets have made millions of dollars by creating content on space because people love the inspiration and imagination it brings.
For example, “Little Einsteins” is a television show catered to toddlers. The beginning of the sing-along theme song reads, “We’re going on a trip in our favorite rocketship / zooming through the sky… Climb aboard, get ready to explore / There’s so much to find” (Youtube). In 1999, pre-teens were dazzled by the thought of living on a spacecraft like the Disney movie “Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century”. Everyday, millions of people pass through “Tomorrowland” at Disneyland to catch of glimpse of “otherworldly wonders, embark on fantastic voyages, and witness the pioneering of the human spirit” (Disney). The 2013 film “Gravity” made over $700 million dollars on telling the story of an engineer and an astronaut's survival in space without a space shuttle (Hollywood Reporter).

Thus, popular culture has done an incredible job with the futuristic portrayals of space. It has kept our world engaged since the 1960’s.  However, the new millennium needs new material. Space scientists and engineers are desperate for new research, developments and technologies. But there are a few things inhibiting space scientists from making huge advancements.

Space exploration has lacked proper plans for nearly 50 years. President Eisenhower was the last to create a year-by-year plan that included frequent visits to space by robots, to be followed by astronauts (Forbes). The plan was not successfully fulfilled. The shrinking budgets and rising costs of space exploration have discouraged NASA from making any recent advancements. However, the proposed 2014 federal budget gives $17.7 billion to NASA (Space). Even though the allotted money “represents less than 0.5% of federal spending for 2013”, NASA is determined to stretch the funds (Space). NASA is currently planning to send rover instruments to Mars in 2020 (NASA).
"Little Einsteins Theme Song." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web.

Malik, Tariq. "NASA's 2014 Budget: Space Exploration Luminaries React.", n.d. Web.

"NASA Announces Mars 2020 Rover Payload to Explore the Red Planet as Never Before." NASA. NASA, n.d. Web.

"Sandra Bullock to Make $70 Million (At Least) for 'Gravity' (Exclusive)."The Hollywood Reporter. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 May 2015.

"The Cost Of Space Exploration." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, n.d. Web.

"Tomorrowland." N.p., n.d. Web.

Wall, Mike. "Space Exploration Still US Priority, NASA Says.", n.d. Web.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Unit 8: NanoTech & Art
Professor Jim Gimzewski of UCLA’s CNSI stated that, “Every aspect of science and technology is somehow impacted by nanotechnology” (Gimzewski). After what I observed in this lecture, this statement could not be more true; nanotechnology has the potential to completely change our world. Currently, there are only 1,000 products on the market that are made from nanotechnology; this number is expected to 100,000 in a few short years (Gimzewski). This list already includes bed sheets, cleaning products, clothing, cosmetics, household appliances, luggage and home furnishings (Nanotech Products). Nanotechnology can lead us to a cleaner, greener world by creating edible food packaging and self-cleaning fabrics that reduce the number of times we wash our clothes (Gimzewski). To boot, scientists are developing nanofood; this is a way to completely personalize every facet of your nutritional experience (Gimzewski).
Although, nanotechnology can have the most immediate impact on human lives with nanomedicine, especially when it comes to cancer. Nanotechnology can detect cancer at an earlier state and provide a more accurate diagnosis (NCI). Also, the current treatments are “limited to surgery, radiation and chemotherapy” and can damage the perfectly healthy tissue  (NCI). The creation of nanoparticles allows scientists to create a tiny particle that can pass through the blood brain barrier to target specific cells, saving the surrounding tissues (Gimzewski).
UCLA’s CNSI continues to do their part with their newly developed NanoVelcro Chip, which can extract and analyze cancer cells circulating in patients’ blood (UCLA Newsroom). The NanoVelcro chip controls the blood temperature almost life a coffee maker. This way scientists can individualize a patient’s treatment by discovering where the original tumor was and discover if cancer cells have spread (UCLA Newsroom). In addition, CNSI is developing a new treatment to cure pancreatic cancer with a nano drug that can enter the bloodstream and attack the targeted tumor (UCLA Newsroom).

NanoVelcro device
In my opinion, nanotechnology should be considered the ultimate art form in all of science because of the detail and precision that it takes to research and develop. From the work done in the laboratories, to the visual images created, to the journals written to understand and learn, to the cutting-edge technology developed to create and manipulate nanoparticles, nanotechnology proves to be an art that will have a major impact on my life in the near future.

Gimzewski, Jim. "Nanotech Jim Pt1." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web.

Gimzewski, Jim. "Nanotech Jim Pt3." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web.

Gimzewski, Jim. "Nanotech Jim Pt4." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web.

"Impacts on Cancer." Understanding Nanotechnology: Impacts on Cancer. National Cancer Institute, n.d. Web.

"Nanotechnology Platform Shows Promise for Treating Pancreatic Cancer." UCLA Newsroom. N.p., n.d. Web.

"The Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies: All Products." Nanotech Products. N.p., n.d. Web.

"UCLA Scientists Use 'NanoVelcro' and Temperature Control to Extract Tumor Cells from Blood." UCLA Scientists Use 'NanoVelcro' and Temperature Control to Extract Tumor Cells from Blood. UCLA Newsroom, n.d. Web.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Unit 7: Neurosci & Art

Even though the brain has only been studied for about a century, it has since been one of the most researched parts of the body (Vesna). Aristotle taught that the brain was simply a cooling mechanism for blood, and all the thinking was done by the heart (Vensa). Later, Franz Joseph Gall contradicted Aristotle's beliefs by showing us how the brains works with "phrenonoly". Gall believed that the talents, intellect and other things were "inferred with perfect exactitude and precision from the external appearances of the skull" ( Thus, certain places on the skull might bulge, showing overuse of a certain area and feature of the brain (Cohen).

The lecture by Mark Cohen influenced my understanding of this week's topic the most. The work he is doing in his lab really make the connection between neuroscience and art. For example, Cohen created black goggles to help track brain waves that test the frequency and intensity of migraine flickering (Cohen). Thus, he is taking his neuroscience background to produce art to help humanity cure illnesses like migraines. Cohen's lab is also studying puzzling questions about the mind. Currently, his lab is working on a project that aims to discover if we recreate an idea internally, or if an idea stay on the outside of the brain (Cohen). That is, is the idea visually brought to the center of the mind? (Cohen).

In my opinion, the most intriguing part of this week's topic is learning about the unconscious. The conscious mind is easily tested and much research has been done to learn about brain activity. However, our "knowledge of the unconscious mind is limited by the scientific equipment we have available to observe it" (Psychology Today). Even though neuroscience is a booming field, humans have not created a tool or machine to discover more about the unconscious. Some believe that "the unconscious mind is a pervasive, powerful influence over such higher mental processes" (NCBI). Others say that the unconscious "contains all sorts of significant and disturbing material which we need to keep out of awareness because they are too threatening to acknowledge fully" (Simply Psychology). Since studying the brain in the modern era is relatively new, I think that our knowledge about the true power of the unconscious has yet to be revealed. All of what we know is pure speculation. As neuroscience and art continue to push the boundaries and learn more, we will have more tangible evidence about the power of the unconscious mind.


Bargh, John A., and Ezequiel Morsella. "The Unconscious Mind." Perspectives on Psychological Science : A Journal of the Association for Psychological Science. U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d. Web. <>.

Cohen, Mark. "Neuroscience-Mark" YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. <>.

"Conscious of the Unconscious." Psychology Today. N.p., n.d. Web. <>.

"Franz Joseph Gall : Founder of Phrenology." Franz Joseph Gall : Founder of Phrenology. N.p., n.d. Web. <>.

"Unconscious Mind | Simply Psychology." Unconscious Mind | Simply Psychology. N.p., n.d. Web. <>.

Vesna, Victoria. "" YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. <>.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Unit 6: BioTech & Art
Transgenics, mutilation, mutation, recumbence and selective breeding are no longer science fiction. They are actually happening! To boot, the vast majority of these practices are now considered artwork. Don’t get me wrong- some of these modern technologies have provided humans with plenty of good. For example, "genetic engineering can fight disease, reduce insecticide use and enhance food security” (Ronald). However, ethical guidelines need to be set among intellectuals across all disciplines because this new "artwork" is creating controversy.
The work of several modern-day artists is highly controversial. For example, Edward Cats' bunny “Alba” is "transgenic artwork", as the genes of a fluorescent jellyfish were inserted in a fertilized rabbit egg cell (Vesna). When the genes replicated, Alba began to glow like a jellyfish. While some believe this is abusing an animal, others see it as a unique piece of art. Other projects that sparked disputes among intellectuals are the "Harlequin Coat" by Orlan, which is made of skin cells (Vesna). In addition, the "Rat Laughter" project by Kathy High was controversial because of it sacrificed the lives of rats to make human advances (Vesna).
Biotechnology began over ten thousand years ago by hunter-gatherers who practiced "selective-breeding on plants and animals to improve their food value" (HighBeam Research). Yet the modern biotechnology has turned an innocent practice into something that could be extremely terrifying and threatening to the human race. Many people believe that "humanity is gaining too much power... over human destiny" (SCU). For this reason, there needs to be a strict standard set for artists and scientists who want to manipulate living organisms. The scientific world should not seek change or enhance the natural properties of any living thing, especially humans. The possible ramifications are too steep. While some say genetically-modifying a human could stop a certain disease, the opposite is also true; wiping out a gene pool could make us even more susceptible to a "hitherto unknown disease threat" (Bright Hub).


COLE-TURNER, RONALD, Arntzen, Charles J.; Pitman, Susan; Thrasher, Katherine, M. Kunkel, COLIN BLAKEMORE;SHELIA JENNETT, Dennis N. Luck, Sherri Chasin Calvo, "Biotechnology." World of Microbiology;Immunology. 2003, "Biotechnology." UXL Encyclopedia of Science. 2002, Ralph Meyer, "biotechnology." The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th Ed.. 2014, "biotechnology." World Encyclopedia. 2005, "biotechnology." A Dictionary of Biology. 2004, "biotechnology." The Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Current English. 2009, and Michael Allaby. "Biotechnology." HighBeam Research, 01 Jan. 2003. Web. <>.

"How Genetic Engineering Can Fight Disease, Reduce Insecticide Use and Enhance Food Security: Pamela Ronald Speaks at TED2015." TED Blog How Genetic Engineering Can Fight Disease Reduce Insecticide Use and Enhance Food Security Pamela Ronald Speaks AtTED2015 Comments. N.p., 18 Mar. 2015. Web. <>.

"Human Genetic Engineering Cons: Why This Branch of Science Is so Controversial." Bright Hub. N.p., n.d. Web. <>.

"Thinking Ethically About Human Biotechnology." Thinking Ethically About Human Biotechnology. Santa Clara University, n.d. Web. <>.

Vesna, Victoria. "5 Bioart Pt1 1280x720." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. <>.