In my opinion, the most interesting medically-artistic milestones include the 1994 data sets of digitized cadaver photographs and the 1990 Human Genome Project. The later was complex as it was considered "the world's largest collaborative project" (Wikipedia). It led to the discovery of 25,000 genes and the sequences of chemical base pairs (Vesna). These accessible data sets and pictures were great sources of inspiration for artists. |
However, plastic surgery is the most relevant artistic medical procedure in my culture. I live in the famous zipcode for medically transforming faces and bodies by plastic surgery; it has become a normal way to enhance beauty and conceal aging, as seen in the following link:
I have learned that the original use of plastic surgery was not for these reasons. 4,000 years ago, plastic surgery was originally used to reconstruct faces of soldiers and civilians involved in war (Vesna). Ancient India is credited to be the first to use skin graphs to reshape the faces of those who were wounded (Vesna). It was a necessary medical procedure, not one out of luxury. The true artistic beauty in plastic surgery comes from artists like those who performed the medical procedure on war victims in ancient India. |
Personally, I find the most important advancement in medicine, technology and art to be the creation of the prosthesis and bionic limbs. My older brother was born without a right femur and lived his whole life with a prosthetic leg. Without the technology used to create artificial limbs, people like my brother would more disabled than need be. My brother was able to be a great athlete and a normal kid, thanks to the artistic technologies of his prosthetic leg. A video of my family, my brother and his prosthetic leg can be seen in the following link:
"Human Genome Project." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. <>.
"Orange County's Own Rob Brooks -ABC News (1999)." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. <>.
"'Plastic Wives' Get Cosmetic Surgery for Free." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. <>.
Vesna, Victoria. "Medicine Pt1." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. <>.
Vesna, Victoria. "Medicine Pt3." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. <>.